Anger Free sessions are used to help you live without chronic anger. Anger is a programmed habitual response to your environment. Expressing anger in outbursts, aggressive, or violent means helps reinforce that programming. The cycle needs to be interrupted to relieve reactive heightened anger responses. 

The sessions in this program help to de-emphasize your anger circuits and bring out a calm, resourceful, adaptive, and powerful self.

The active stimulation sounds make you more relaxed in the moment and generate a more adaptive and effective perspective in your life. The various types of sessions work in concert to lessen your immediate anger response and calibrate your reactions toward a measured demeanor and less intense reactions over time. You will develop a good overall mood and outlook and improve relations in all areas of your life.

Listening Instructions for Anger Free Sessions

These sessions are easy to use. Simply listen with headphones, earbuds, or on speakers. Listen in an environment where you won’t be interrupted. It is best to use good over-the-ear headphones, though earbuds or speakers are ok (the effect is a slightly reduced). 

The anger free sessions provide relaxation, but also rewire you to break the anger cycle, reduce stress, and give you a more adaptive and open outlook. In chronic challenging environments, we develop a tunnel-vision and see fewer options than those who remain calm-headed. We then over-express anger, which is ineffective, and reinforces anger responses in the future. These sessions shift your basic perspective toward calm, communicating, resourceful, rather than a baseline of reactive anger.

Do NOT listen while driving, operating machinery, or performing dangerous activities.