iStock_000061265966_Medium_noborderRelease Sessions are recommended after several months using various sessions program.  These sessions leverage the stimulation response that you have acquired to help you release blocking thought patterns and emotional baggage.  These sessions are relaxing, but include specific sounds and guided instructions to help you release long-stored emotional and intellectual baggage.    These techniques combine to lower stress levels, resistance to desired change, and position you to explore major new behaviors and choices. 

The release sessions are extremely powerful.  They help you make pivotal changes in key areas and align your behavior and cognitive outlook.

Listening Instructions for Release Sessions

These sessions are easy to follow but may require several iterations to gain full effectiveness.  Simply relax, listen, and pay attention to specific guidance. 

Prior to listening to a release session, give thought to specific behaviors or responses you would like to release and move beyond.   This could be a significant memory that you feel holds you back, a scenario you’d like to respond differently, or another defined belief cluster you would like to release.

In these sessions, follow the guidance for relaxation and the release process itself. At other times, let your thoughts fade and return gently to listening to the sounds, your breathing, or body awareness.  

Do NOT listen while driving, operating machinery, or performing dangerous activities.