iStock_000013158094_MediumThis program is based on neurosounds, which are sound patterns and advanced audio brain stimulation to rewire your brain and thinking. These sessions use sound patterns and verbal instructions to activate and retrain various areas of your brain.

There are several very distinct session designs, though each session is also unique in its content.  Here are some general guidelines for listening to the RocketCalm sessions.

General Listening Guidelines

  • Use good quality headphones that cover the entire ear (wrapping around, rather than on top of the earlobes).  See the FAQ for more specific recommendations.
  • Listen in a comfortable position.  This can be either a seated posture or lying down comfortably on your back. 
  • If you have trouble staying awake, seated postures without back support may work best.
  • Choose a quiet, private environment to minimize potential distractions.
  • Keep your eyes closed during the session.  Use a partially darkened room or eye shades if it still seems noticeably light with eyes closed.
  • During periods of a session without specific direction, let your mind stay clear.
    Achieve a quiet awareness.  Let thoughts fade away effortlessly, without engaging or judging them.  If you start thinking, go back to breathe, body, or sound awareness.
  • If you are interrupted or at end the session, take off headphones and eye shades, then allow yourself a few seconds to a minute to re-orient yourself to your surroundings.  You will likely feel groggy, tired, or slightly disoriented for up to several minutes.
    Sessions are designed to ease the exit at the end.  Be aware, a sudden exit in the middle is more noticeable than the effect at the end.
Do NOT listen while driving, operating machinery, or performing dangerous activities.

Following Instructions and Guidance Prompts

  • Follow guidance and instructions in the session to the best of your ability.
  • Some sessions, such as Quick Breaks and Release, assume you have one or more specific items in mind to recall during the session.  When instructed, take the time to be clear on those items each time before listening.  If you forget to prepare, just think quickly of something that applies during the session, but preparing is necessary for the full benefit.
  • If you don’t hear something, don’t worry about it, just move on. If you don’t catch something consistently, feel free to ask our support team.  Many voices and sounds are moved around in spatial positioning as part of the stimulation program.  As people and headphones vary greatly, occasionally particular messages are difficult to hear.

Listening to Affirmations

  • If you don’t agree with an affirmation or statement fully, in the sense of it being desirable or ideal, accept it to the extent you do agree.  It’s OK to pass by and ignore an affirmation here or there, but do consider if that is entrenched resistance or inertia at work.
  • In general, when you hear any affirmation, first let it evoke a full meaning and context, without conscious processing
  • Then, if there is time allotted in between the affirmations, choose one of these listening and processing styles for each message, after it is fully heard.  Make a choice in each session to process affirmations in one of these ways, and rotate the approach in each subsequent listening sessions.
    1. Let your mind be quiet, the affirmation and whatever it evokes just fades.
    2. Repeat the conceptual awareness of the affirmation, recalling what it means, without replaying the words in your head.
    3. Quickly visualize a situation, either real or hypothetical, in which the affirmation fully and genuinely is beneficial to you.
  • Please note, these affirmation listening recommendations are helpful to enhance the program, but there isn’t a “wrong” way to listen, as long as you remain present and aware of the audible material.  Variation in your listening and processing perspective are intentional and enhance the program.

Subliminal Affirmations

This program uses subliminal affirmations in many areas.  While subliminal messages by themselves are not particularly effective, they increase receptiveness to related material for a short time through a cortical priming effect.  We use subliminal messages for this purpose, to significantly increase your receptiveness to the audible messages you hear.  All of the subliminal messages in this program are also presented audibly at various points.  However, this is only the small subset of the audible messages which are suitable for subliminal use.

We hope you thoroughly enjoy the program and get as much benefit as our team and thousands of members before you.  If you have any questions, comments, or observations, please be sure to contact our support department.